With 2020 in full swing, gyms around the country will be packed to full capacity as people take action on their New Year’s resolution to lose weight and get in shape.
If the statistics are to be believed, the vast majority of these people will give up on their fitness goals around mid-January and fall back into old habits. If you’re a bariatric patient or considering getting bariatric surgery, “falling back into old habits” isn’t an option.
No one’s saying that following through on your New Year’s weight loss goals will be easy. However, with the right mindset and determination, you can smash your goals and achieve the health outcome you’re seeking.
How to Stick With Your New Year’s Weight Loss Goals
Sticking with any New Year’s resolution can be difficult. If you’re committed to losing weight and keeping it off, you have a lot of work ahead. That said, employing these weight loss tips should help you reach your New Year’s weight loss goals and encourage others to do the same.
1. Create a Plan
Driving to the gym without a plan will leave you feeling hopelessly lost and confused. Think of your plan of attack. What types of exercises are best suited for weight loss? What foods will you eat? How often will you exercise? Etc.
By creating a plan, you’ll be more likely to go about your weight loss goals more efficiently. Creating a plan will also provide a much-needed boost to your motivation.
2. Persistence is a Requirement
There will be some days where you wake up, and you’re highly motivated, and others where you want to throw the covers back over your head and give up. If you’ve ever felt this way, don’t beat yourself up too much. It’s human nature to avoid doing difficult things.
Studies show it takes an average of 66 days to form a new habit, meaning it’s only natural that you may feel like giving up along the way and reverting to your old lifestyle.
Losing weight and healthy living isn’t easy. It requires persistence and a willingness to continue going even if you slip up a few times. Identify what’s holding you back, let it run its course, and get back on track.
3. Make a Pros and Cons list
Another effective way to keep yourself motivated is to make a list of the pros and cons of why you’re attempting to lose weight. Nine times out of ten, the pros will significantly outweigh the cons. Making a list will serve as a reminder of why you’re putting yourself through the daily rigors of losing weight.
Your list doesn’t have to come together all at once. You can add to it as you continue your weight loss journey. Whenever you feel your motivation beginning to slip, pulling out the list should help steel your resolve.
4. Reward Yourself When You Hit Your Goals
It doesn’t matter if you lose five pounds or ten. Don’t forget to reward yourself when you hit your weight loss goals. Of course, your reward should fall in line with your new change in lifestyle.
For example, buying yourself a new (hopefully slimmer) outfit is a great way to reward yourself for reaching a milestone in your weight loss journey. You could also treat yourself to a movie, buy yourself a new pair of shoes, etc.
Losing weight isn’t easy. In fact, it can be incredibly taxing on the mind and body. However, as you transform into a new and improved version of yourself, don’t forget that you can lighten the grind by rewarding yourself as you achieve milestones.
5. Find Someone to Hold You Accountable
Your weight loss journey shouldn’t be a secret, especially if you’re a bariatric patient. Share your New Year’s weight loss goals with friends and family. It helps to have a cheering squad, especially when you feel you’re not making much progress.
By letting others know about your New Year’s resolution, you’ll create accountability partners who can offer words of encouragement or, in some cases, provide a good kick in the rear when you feel like slacking off.
You don’t necessarily need someone to act like a drill sergeant and get you out of bed every morning. Simply having someone offer words of encouragement may be the push you need to continue onward with your weight loss journey.
6. Keep Track of Your Progress
Every pound you lose adds up to your ultimate weight loss goals. Sometimes you may look in the mirror and not see much progress, but rest assured, if you’re staying persistent in your lifestyle changes, you’ll eventually begin to see results.
One of the best ways to keep yourself motivated is by keeping track of your progress in an organizer or calendar. By writing down your progress, it’ll be that much easier to realize that you’re getting results despite what you see in the mirror. There are countless apps to help, as well. We love using Baritastic with our clients because you’re able to track your meals, exercise, weight, and more, add photos and notes about your weight loss journey, and set reminders of when to take vitamins, drink water, or other goals.
7. Be Realistic About Your Weight Loss Goals
There’s nothing wrong with making a New Year’s resolution about losing weight. However, making an impossible promise to yourself that you’re going to lose 80 pounds in the first month of 2020 is a bit of a stretch.
Setting up unrealistic goals is a one-way track to failure and disappointment if (and when) you end up falling short. Instead of shooting for the stars, aim for smaller, realistic goals.
For instance, don’t try to lose 80 pounds in a single month. Shoot for ten to fifteen. When it comes to food, don’t try to outright cut out ice-cream, pizza, and cookies. Instead, slowly wean yourself off of the unhealthy foods that are part of your diet.
By aiming for and achieving smaller goals, you’ll feel more accomplished and motivated with each small victory. Over time, these small victories will manifest in the form of big weight loss!
Take the Next Step
2020 can be your year to look and feel your best. Interested in bariatric surgery? Reach out to Olde Del Mar Surgical today. Our friendly staff will be on standby to help you schedule a consultation.
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