Category: Bariatric Surgery

What is SADI-S Surgery for Weight Loss?

Smiling older woman at the beach to illustrate what is SADI-S weight loss surgery

Bariatric procedures and weight loss surgery (along with diet and exercise) are proven ways to lose excess weight quickly and keep it off in the long term. There are several bariatric options with long track records of success, including gastric sleeve, gastric banding, gastric bypass, and others. But there is a relatively new surgery now…

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Medications to Avoid After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Rows and colums of little paper cups filled with pills to illustrate Medications to Avoid After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Weight loss surgery is a serious procedure, changing many things about your body to help you look better and feel better. The changes you can see are largely physical, but bariatric surgery also changes how your body functions, including how it handles prescriptions and other pills. This means there are some medications to avoid after…

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6-Month Diet Before Weight Loss Surgery

Woman grabbing some food from a refrigerator to illustrate 6 Month diet before weight loss surgery

Also known as bariatric surgery, weight loss procedures are often the best way to lose excess weight and fight health issues like diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure. Along with a healthier diet and consistent physical activity, these operations give you the best chance to meet your weight-loss goals. But you also may be…

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Gastric Sleeve Hospital Stay

A woman in a hospital gown in a hospital bed to illustrate gastric sleeve hospital stay

Weight loss surgery is the beginning of a new life. You will be changing your diet, your exercise routine, and your mindset when it comes to food. With less weight and more energy, you will be learning what your new and improved body can do. But, before your gastric sleeve surgery, you likely have a…

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Pre-Gastric Bypass Diet

Healthy foods in the shape of a smiling face to illustrate pre-gastric bypass diet

Gastric bypass surgery is a major operation and requires a lot of preparation. One of the most important steps in preparing for the procedure is following your pre-gastric bypass diet. This diet helps reduce the risk of postoperative complications after your surgery, as well as aiding in faster healing. But the most beneficial aspect of…

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Lap Band vs Gastric Sleeve

Doctor looking at a monitor to illustrate lap band vs gastric sleeve surgery

If you struggle with obesity, there are numerous options to lose weight for you to consider. Two of the most popular–sleeve gastrectomy (gastric sleeve) surgery and adjustable gastric band (lap band) surgery–are highly effective at helping patients lose significant weight. Understanding the difference between lap band vs gastric sleeve surgeries will help you to decide…

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Who Qualifies For Gastric Bypass?

Who qualifies for bariatric surgery?

Who qualifies for bariatric surgery? This is an important question, one which is usually foremost on the minds of potential patients. If you are frustrated with the extra pounds that you simply can’t get rid of, no matter how hard you try, weight loss surgery might be the answer for you. It can be disheartening…

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How to Get Around Bariatric Exclusion

Image of a magnifying glass laying on top of money

(Updated Sept. 13, 2022)   Obesity is easily one of the greatest threats to the health of America. Costs associated with obesity in this country are nearing an estimated $200 billion every year, including direct costs such as surgeries and medications, and treatments of certain diseases. Indirect costs (including loss of work from short-term absences…

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Weight-Loss Programs Covered By Medical

Image of glasses setting on medical insurance paperwork

If losing weight is on your list of goals for this year, we have good news: Weight-loss surgery and the weight-loss programs associated with them are an effective way to shed pounds and get yourself on track toward a healthier, longer life. However, you may be asking if weight-loss programs are covered by medical insurance….

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