Patient Resources

Frequently Asked

Answers to all your Del Mar Surgical questions and more. If you haven’t found what you’re looking for, please contact us at the link below.

How long is the pre-op diet for bariatric surgery?

The pre-op diet for bariatric surgery at Olde Del Mar Surgical is a maximum of 2 weeks prior to surgery.

What is the pre-op diet for bariatric surgery?

The diet before surgery includes use of protein supplements, broth, sugar free jello, pudding and popsicles. It also includes sugar free beverages including tea, coffee, Crystal light, Gatorade or Powerade Zero, Minute Maid Zero. We will review your pre-op diet in great detail during your pre-op surgery visit.

Does everyone have a pre-op diet before weight loss surgery?

Everyone follows the pre-op diet before weight loss surgery to allow for some initial rapid weight loss and to reduce liver size. A short-term, low carbohydrate diet can reduce liver glycogen stores thereby shrinking the size of the liver, allowing for improved access to the stomach and decreasing risk of surgical complications.

What is the diet after weight loss surgery?

The diet after weight loss surgery is a continuation of liquids, the same as the pre-op liquid diet. However, portion sizes are smaller due to reduced stomach volume and to stay hydrated it's important to drink fluids every 30 minutes.

How often should I eat after weight loss surgery?

Try to aim for eating about every 2-3 hours after surgery. With a smaller stomach and smaller portions to meet your nutrition goals it's important to have more frequent meals. During your pre-op visit with the dietitian, we will review this information in greater detail.

Will I lose my hair after weight loss surgery?

Hair loss or hair \"shedding\" is quite common following bariatric surgery. Following weight loss surgery, the body is working to adapt to significant nutrition restriction and can be stressed from rapid weight loss. Hair shedding typically occurs around 3-5 months after surgery and is temporary.

What are good snacks after weight loss surgery?

Snacks after surgery should be built around protein, examples: greek yogurt w/ berries, low fat cottage cheese with pineapple, protein shakes, ¼ cup trail mix, hard boiled eggs, veggies and hummus, Sargento Balanced Breaks, Low sodium beef jerky (Chomps), canned tuna with whole grain crackers, turkey/low fat string cheese roll ups, apples with peanut butter.

Will I be able to eat normally after bariatric surgery?

After surgery, your stomach will be about the size of a banana (sleeve) or an egg (bypass) so the amount of food you eat at one meal will be significantly less. You will need to eat more often, 3 meals + 1-2 snacks to keep up with your nutrition. After surgery, you will not be able to eat a normal diet for the first 6-8 weeks as you will need to eat foods appropriate for your recovery and healing. Your dietitian will guide you through each diet stage. Once you get through the diet stages, you will return to a regular diet with meal planning assistance from your dietitian.

How much should I exercise after weight loss surgery?

You should aim to do at least 30 minutes each day ( or 150 minutes a week) of moderate activity, and strength training (weights) at least 2 times per week to ensure you maintain your muscle mass.

What is a good way to start exercising after bariatric surgery?

Start slow with goal setting. Set goals for yourself you know are achievable in order to build confidence. Start with 2-3 days a week of activity and build on from there. Make sure you pick exercise that you enjoy to help increase motivation. If you do not enjoy the gym, look into taking zumba classes, jump roping, hiking, dance, yoga, pilates, playing sports, etc.
