We all know that eating fresh fruits and vegetables, high-quality lean proteins, and unprocessed foods is important for weight management and overall wellness.
Unfortunately, the rising prices at the grocery store can make it tough to buy healthy food on a budget. It often seems processed foods filled with unhealthy fats, refined sugars, salt and preservatives are often far cheaper than ‘natural’ foods.
The good news is that with a little pre-planning and savvy shopping, you really can enjoy healthy food on a budget! Here are some simple tips to help you stick to a healthy eating plan without overspending your budget:
1. Plan Your Meals
Americans throw away billions of pounds of food every year, and the leading cause of food waste is a lack of meal planning. By planning your meals ahead of time, you can shop for only the foods you need.
You can enjoy a variety meals that use the same ingredients in different ways. For example, you could roast a turkey on Sunday night, and then enjoy the leftovers in turkey sandwiches, soup, and stew for the rest of the week!
Meal prepping is another way to make the most of your ingredients and save time cooking! Plus, when you’re hungry, you’ll be more likely to to grab your healthy meal, as opposed to a convenient, unhealthy snack.
2. Buy Local, In-Season Produce
Fruits and vegetables that are in-season usually deliver great value for your grocery dollar. Learn what’s available in your area, and enjoy locally-grown field-fresh foods. You can also freeze berries, fruits and vegetables that you find on sale for later use.
3. Shop With A Friend
Stores often sell ‘family packs’ of chicken breast, steak, and fish at a discounted price, but it can be tough to take advantage of these deals if you have a small family or you’re cooking for yourself. Ask your friends, family members, and co-workers if they’d like to shop with you to buy in bulk – that way, everyone can get a deal on their groceries without overbuying.
You can also buy rice, beans, and other dry ingredients in bulk, which not only saves money. It ensures you have everything you need on hand to create awesome meals from home.
4. Eat At Home
Eating out can be expensive, especially if you skip the low-quality, low-cost fast food. While it’s nice to dine out at restaurants every once in a while, it can be a lot more expensive. When you prepare meals at home you save money and you can control the amount of salt, sugar, and fat in your foods – something that’s tough to do when dining out.
There are a ton of awesome recipes at your fingertips when you go online, especially ones that focus on health. They can help you mix up your meals and get creative. You might even find you love your own creations more than the pricy meals out.
Olde Del Mar Surgical’s Dietitians Can Help
With some careful planning and smart shopping, you and your family really can enjoy healthy food on a budget! To learn more about how the team of weight loss specialists here at Olde Del Mar Surgical can help you achieve your weight loss goals.
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