Minimally-invasive techniques lead to faster recovery from bariatric surgery and fewer complications when compared to traditional surgical techniques.
It will still be important to make some modifications to your regular activities immediately following bariatric surgery in order to achieve the best possible long-term outcomes.
How Laparoscopic Surgery Makes Recovery Easier
Traditional surgical techniques for bariatric surgery involve long, deep incisions that leave the patient with extensive scarring and severed abdominal muscles.
Laparoscopic surgery requires only a few tiny incisions. With the help of a specially-designed camera and non-toxic carbon dioxide gas, the surgeon works through these incisions to complete the weight loss surgery.
Planning For Recovery From Bariatric Surgery
Returning To Work After Bariatric Surgery
The amount of time you’ll need to take off of work depends on where you work, and what your duties involve. Patients who work in an office environment may be able to return to their job within a week.
However, those who work in a physically-demanding position that requires lifting, pushing or pulling may need to either take an extended leave from their position or do modified duties for a few weeks. Be sure to discuss this with your surgical team during your pre-operative visit.
In order to prevent complications, patients are advised to limit physical activities for four to six weeks during recovery from bariatric surgery.
Plan on staying active by taking lots of short walks around your home and neighborhood, and do not lift anything weighing more than 10 pounds. That means you won’t be able to pick up heavy bags of groceries, children, boxes or baskets of laundry for at least a month, so it’s a good idea to stock up on food and supplies before your operation.
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