Weight loss surgery is the beginning of a new life. You will be changing your diet, your exercise routine, and your mindset when it comes to food. With less weight and more energy, you will be learning what your new and improved body can do. But, before your gastric sleeve surgery, you likely have a lot of questions about what the surgery process entails and how long your gastric sleeve hospital stay will be.
First, it is important to understand what gastric sleeve surgery is when compared to other bariatric procedures, such as a duodenal switch or gastric bypass surgery. A sleeve gastrectomy is when approximately 80 percent of the stomach is removed, which limits the amount of food you take in.
It is a minimally invasive procedure that is done laparoscopically in just a couple of hours. The operating room procedure itself takes about 45 minutes. Laparoscopic surgery uses a series of small incisions in the abdominal area instead of one large cut. This weight loss procedure has a smaller risk of complications and speeds up the recovery process.
Gastric Sleeve Hospital Stay
Because of this method, patients have less pain, quicker recovery time, and don’t need to spend as much time in the hospital. After the surgery is complete, we like you to stay in the hospital overnight so we can keep an eye on any complications. This may include acid reflux, staple separation, or bleeding that can cause infections.
But you’ll be able to leave the bed and walk around the same day. The day after the surgery, patients are able to go home and can return to less stressful day-to-day activities in a day or two. Depending on your job, you may need to wait a few weeks before returning to work, although your movement shouldn’t be limited the day after your gastric sleeve hospital stay.
Lifestyle Changes After Gastric Sleeve Surgery
With a smaller stomach, you won’t be able to consume as much food as you once did. The surgery, diet, and increased physical activity are all necessary to achieve your long-term weight loss goals. Your medical team will act as a support group for the next year, although we recommend life-long follow-ups to encourage your newer, healthier lifestyle.
After that, you can begin to work your way up to soft and solid foods. Your nutritionist and medical team at Olde Del Mar Surgical will go over all the instructions with you, so you are clear on when you can start resuming some of your regular activities. Most patients take a couple of weeks off work, depending on how physically demanding their jobs are.
In the weeks leading up to the surgery, you will begin to prepare your body for the changes in diet. Your team will devise a diet management plan specifically for your needs. While no two situations are ever the same, bariatric patients will need to follow a diet of clear liquids and supplements for two weeks.
From there, soft foods will be introduced in smaller quantities than you may be used to. Fortunately, the diet leading up to the surgery and immediately afterward will begin training your body to feel full faster. Over the following months, your healthier diet will begin to be more consistent, including solid foods.
Physical Activity
In many cases, bariatric patients have had very little (if any) physical activity in the years leading up to surgery. After the gastric sleeve hospital stay, that will need to change to reach your weight-loss goals. Walking, going to the grocery store, and less stressful activities can begin almost immediately, and should be increased for the rest of your life.
Please consult with your doctor or health care provider when creating a new workout program. Anyone starting a new workout regime should always be mindful of pushing too hard too fast even with surgery. Bariatric patients will need to be more careful at the start, but will soon be able to run, lift weights, and do other physical work.
If you are ready to learn more about gastric sleeve surgery to see if it is the right choice for you, call our team at Olde Del Mar Surgical for an appointment. We look forward to helping you begin your weight loss journey! We also provide other weight-loss surgeries, including Lap Bands (gastric banding), gastric balloons, and revisional surgery.
Having any bariatric surgery is an important decision and, unfortunately, is not for everyone. Take our assessment review to see if you’re a potential candidate for weight loss surgery. Potential patients must understand bariatric surgery isn’t a “quick-fix”–it will require life-long dedication.
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