Gastric sleeve surgery is a minimally invasive procedure that takes about 1 hour. It involves removing approximately 85% of your stomach, and leaving behind a sleeve-shaped section which is then sealed.
Gastric sleeve surgery is designed to help patients feel fuller at a faster rate which should greatly help with their weight loss journey.
Patients will be required to adopt a specialized diet to aid the process of recovery and to promote long term weight loss and health. While adopting a new diet immediately after surgery may be simple enough, it takes dedication to maintain over time.
The first step is to research an effective gastric sleeve post-op diet and from there, personalize it to work for you. In this article, we aim to give you a jumping-off point for your own effective gastric sleeve post-op diet shopping list as well as how to ensure a successful gastric sleeve recovery.
What Happens if You Don’t Follow a Proper Gastric Sleeve Post-Op Diet?
Many people assume once they’ve had bariatric surgery, they can eat whatever they want. This couldn’t be further from the truth.
Consuming highly processed foods (such as hot dogs and hamburgers from fast-food chains) will have the same effect on you post-surgery as they did pre-surgery – you can and will continue gaining weight, and your health will continue to suffer.
This procedure requires a commitment to a new lifestyle. It’s vitally important that anyone who decides to have gastric sleeve surgery understands they will have to change their diet for the rest of their lives.
The Phases of a Gastric Sleeve Post Op Diet
Adopting the right diet has a twofold effect – not only will it speed up the gastric sleeve recovery process, but it also promotes long term health and wellness. A gastric sleeve post-op diet consists of three phases.
Each phase will last around a week and will transition the patient from an all-liquid diet to more solid foods. Be mindful that the right dietary choices vary from person to person, so speak with your doctor to see what choices are right for you.
Phase 1: Clear Liquids and Full Liquids
Phase 1 of your bariatric post-op diet will consist of clear liquids at first and then clear and full liquids after day 4. Consuming an all-liquid diet after surgery will help prevent any gastrointestinal issues or food sensitivities.
Here are some guidelines for navigating phase one of your gastric sleeve post-op diet:
Foods to avoid:
- Soda
- Carbonated drinks
- Caffeinated drinks (tea and coffee for example)
- Sugary drinks
It’s important to note you should drink 8 glasses of water per day.
Foods to include:
- Sugar-free popsicles
- Low sodium broth
- Decaf coffee or tea
- Sugar-free Jello
Patients who undergo bariatric surgery will begin to regain their appetite one week to ten days post-surgery. Once this occurs, they’ll need to incorporate protein into their liquid diet. Patients should focus on nutrition-packed foods. It is important to focus on adding protein into your diet in this phase because it helps with healing the surgical area and assists with maintaining adequate muscle mass during weight loss.
When you’re ready to move on to clear and full liquids, include:
- Clear liquids listed above
- Protein supplements (minimum of one per day)
- Non-fat/Low-sugar yogurt
- Thickened vegetable soup
- Unsweetened oatmeal
- Sugar-free pudding
In this phase, protein is the goal. Most people should shoot for about 60 grams of protein a day.
Phase 2: Soft Foods and More Protein
Phase 2 will consist of a soft food diet. Patients must remain well hydrated and consume 60g to 80g of protein per day. Make sure to take small bites, chew well and eat slowly to ensure proper digestion.
Foods to avoid:
- Bread
- Raw vegetables that are tough to eat
- Nuts
- Butter
- Ice cream
- Rice
- White pasta
- Sugary foods
You’ll need to focus on foods that offer sufficient nutrition and protein to help speed up the recovery process and to help with feelings of fullness while eating.
Foods to include:
- Soft fish
- Softened vegetables like carrots, green beans, and squash
- Low sodium soup
- Low-fat cheese
- Scrambled eggs
- Mashed potatoes
- Greek yogurt
- Baby food
- Thinned, unsweetened oatmeal
Phase 3: Regular Consistency Foods
Phase 3 will take place around 4 weeks post-surgery and will transition patients onto a solid, yet healthy diet. Keep in mind protein shakes should still be taken on a daily basis, and hydration is still crucial. Furthermore, patients should stop drinking at least 30 minutes prior to their meals.
It’s recommended most patients begin taking daily bariatric multivitamins during phase 3, so speak with your doctor to see what vitamins will be appropriate for your diet.
Try to stick to a regimen of three balanced, nutrient-dense meals supplemented by two smaller snacks. As always, focus on getting enough protein daily.
Foods to avoid:
- Fast food
- Sugary snacks
- Sodas
- Bread
- Cooking oils
- Desserts
- Cooking oils
Foods to include:
- Lean meats
- Low-fat cottage cheese
- Fruit (small quantities)
- Fish
- Beans
- Vegetables (cooked or raw)
Creating the Ultimate Gastric Sleeve Post Op Diet Shopping List
It’s important to note that gastric sleeve surgery does not “cure” obesity. Eating the wrong foods will ensure you continue packing on the pounds and can significantly hinder the healing process.
This list is not all-inclusive, so speak with your doctor for recommendations on foods that are appropriate for you to eat after gastric sleeve surgery.
You should also speak with your doctor about when it’s safe for you to exercise. Eating right is only a part of the question to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle. You’ll also need to exercise on a regular basis.
Weight loss is no easy endeavor, but we can help you during your time of need. If you have any questions regarding nutrition or diet turn to Olde Del Mar Surgical.
We are a great resource for any questions you may have regarding your weight loss journey, and our specialists are more than happy to help you put together your ultimate shopping list. Contact us today for more information.
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