Bariatric procedures and weight loss surgery (along with diet and exercise) are proven ways to lose excess weight quickly and keep it off in the long term. There are several bariatric options with long track records of success, including gastric sleeve, gastric banding, gastric bypass, and others. But there is a relatively new surgery now available for patients–but what is SADI-S surgery?
Single Anastomosis Duodeno-ileal bypass with sleeve gastrectomy (SADI-S) is the latest weight loss surgery to be approved by the American Society for Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery. While it is certainly a mouthful to say, it’s also an innovative weight loss procedure that can help you lose large amounts of excess weight.
What is SADI-S Surgery for Weight Loss?
The procedure involves removing portions of the stomach in order to reduce its size and capacity while preserving the duodenum–the first section of the small intestine–from disruption. This creates a pouch at the top of the stomach that can hold only a limited amount of food, shrinking the amount of food that can be eaten at one time. The part of the stomach removed is similar in size and shape to a sleeve gastrectomy operation.
Part of the small intestine is then bypassed, leading the body to absorb less of the food that is eaten. Hormonal changes in the body reduce those hunger pangs and make you feel fuller faster. There is significant weight loss, more so than in traditional bariatric surgeries such as gastric bypass or sleeve gastrectomy.
The benefits of SADI-S surgery extend beyond just weight loss, too. Critically, hormones such as GLP-1 are also affected, leading to a dramatic improvement in glucose and fat metabolism. This translates to better weight loss and potential resolution of type 2 diabetes as well as other obesity-related illnesses such as hypertension, sleep apnea, and lipid disorders. In many cases, patients experience complete diabetes remission.
While the Sleeve gastrectomy part of the SADI-S procedure is similar to other types of bariatric surgery, such as gastric bypass and biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch (BPD/DS), there are some key differences that should be taken into account. BPD/DS removes up to three-fourths of the stomach, while SADI-S only removes a portion.
Additionally, BPD/DS reroutes the intestines to bypass much more of the small intestine than is done in SADI-S. Considering these differences, it’s important for those considering bariatric surgery to consult with a qualified medical professional as they investigate their options and make an informed decision on the procedure that’s right for them.
How is SADI-S Surgery Performed?
SADI-S surgery is performed laparoscopically (or robotically), which requires smaller incisions in comparison to traditional open surgery. This leads to faster recovery times with reduced risks of infection or complications. Additionally, laparoscopy allows for faster recovery time since there is less trauma to the body and fewer side effects like pain or discomfort post-procedure.
Furthermore, it has been found to be safe even for individuals who are morbidly obese or have had previous abdominal surgeries. It can also be combined with other bariatric procedures for maximum effectiveness. The technology used in laparoscopic surgeries provides better access to hard-to-reach areas within the body, allowing surgeons more control of their tools and techniques.
Advantages of SADI-S Surgery
Overall, SADI-S bariatric surgery offers an effective solution for those struggling with obesity and its related conditions who may not be able to benefit from traditional bariatric procedures. The procedure is less invasive and results in faster recovery times along with many other potential health benefits, including:
- Reduced risk of many health issues
- Reduced likelihood of dumping compared with gastric bypass
- Improved quality of life and mobility
- Increased energy levels
- Lower cholesterol and improved blood pressure
- Decreased joint pain and inflammation
- Lower cancer risk
- Improved overall cardiovascular health
- Long-term weight loss maintenance
- Improved mental health and mood
- Improved breathing, digestion, and sleep
- Reduced risk of injury from falls or fractures
- Fewer bowel obstructions than gastric bypass or duodenal switch
However, because absorption is limited, supplements are often required before and after surgery to ensure the body gets all of the nutrients it needs. This is true in many procedures but is particularly important with the SADI-S. That being said, the success rate is on par with less invasive surgeries.
One Last Word on SADI-S Surgery
SADI surgery is a great way to lose large amounts of excess weight and keep it off in the long term. For the best results, however, any bariatric surgery needs to be combined with an improved diet and increased physical activity. The procedure is just one part of a complete lifestyle change that needs to take place in order to get the best, long-lasting results.
Want to know more about SADI-S surgery or if it’s right for you? Take our fast, free assessment to see if you are a qualified candidate for this procedure or any of our other bariatric surgeries. At present, we are the only practice in San Diego performing this procedure and one of only a handful in the state of California. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you with your lifelong goal of maintaining a healthy weight!
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