Their Story
Describe your life before you had Weight Loss Surgery.
I live three flights upstairs in a condo with no elevator. Just getting myself up and down the stairs was a chore. My poor wife had to carry groceries, laundry..because I would get so winded trying to bring things. Now when I got in my car downstairs, I forgot something in our condo and thought nothing of zipping back up..not winded a bit. When I got back to the car I realized I forgot something else and I just zipped back up again without losing a breathe.
How long were you considering Weight Loss Surgery before you came in?
I thought about it for over four years. My wife is from the Caribbean and is a licensed holistic health practitioner and consequently has a health distrust for modern medicine. She tried all kinds of herbs and this and that. I had already optimized my diet…but I was not getting rewarded for exercise and calorie reduction and eating smarter. Metabolic syndrome made it really unmanageable for me.
What was it like to work with our team?
I read a 400+ page book on Gastric Bypass…practically the bible on the subject. The team was (thankfully) very patient with me as I had some very precise questions about the clinic, it’s track record, the surgeon, the support expected post op and diet. Insurance took over two years..with COVID intervening..but finally everything got worked out.
Describe your life now, after Weight Loss Surgery.
I recall getting a pencil under my desk three years ago. I could not get up or out from under the desk…good thing my wife was around to help me get up! I decided I wanted to do more than watch my grandchildren play on the floor. I wanted to get down there with them to play and to be able to get back up! I slimmed down to the point where no more of my “old” skinny clothes fit anymore. I’m down to where I was in my 20’s and in the Air Force. It is a happy, energetic time for me. I just was awarded a scholarship for an MBA in Renewable Energy for Executives. As I am already scoping renewable energy projects worldwide, this is an awesome opportunity to take it to the next level!