
Their Story

Describe your life before you had Weight Loss Surgery.

Stopped Living comfortably in my skin. Walking any distance was daunting and uncomfortable. Although I had no health issues, I was increasingly getting bigger!

How long were you considering Weight Loss Surgery before you came in?

I waited for 20 years to do this mostly due to waiting till my children were of age in case they lost me. Their father passed when they were all babies. I finally decided to do this for me, being on a healing journey found my weight attributed to a lot of my unhappiness unfortunately. I was not myself for over 20 years. Today I’m a day shy of being 5 months post op and I’m down from my highest weight of 288 to 225! I feel great and still have work to do!

What was it like to work with our team?

The staff at DMS are all very amazing! Friendly, informative and caring!

Describe your life now, after Weight Loss Surgery.

Putting on a size 16 comfortably, haha really, it’s being able to walk a distance without being fatigued or in pain after a short distance, and stairs without my heart racing and breathing heavy!!